The East Slavs are the most populous subgroup of the Slavs. They speak the East Slavic languages, and formed the majority of the population of the medieval state Kievan Rus’, which all three independent East Slavic states (Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine) claim as their cultural ancestor By the seventeenth-century, the East Slavs eventually evolved into the Belarusians, the Russians, the Rusyns, and the Ukrainians.

The NATO membership issue notwithstanding here is no overt reason for Russia to invade Ukraine and for the Russian and Ukrainian Slavs to be killing each other

There have been clear cut moves to prolong the “war” for as long as possible …..maybe even drag it on for years The longer the war the more the damage to Ukraine

The NWO will do any and everything in its power to destroy ethnic states Both Putin and the kosher klown Zhelensky are NWO assets In the middle east NWO jews and the state of Israel (not one and the same thing sometimes their interests and agendas clash) have similarly done everything in their power to destroy the Pan Arabic movement An experiment in political union between two Arab countries, Egypt and Syria, in the form of the United Arab Republic (1958–61) was short-lived.An important event was the founding in 1943 of the Baʿth Party by Pan-Arabist thinkers Michel ʿAflaq and Salah al-Din Bitar, which formed branches in several countries and became the ruling party in Syria and Iraq.Guess where the NWO spent billions waging war? The state of Israel and the NWO have done more to destroy Baath then anyone else

The destruction of property (and the accompanying reconstruction)is really big business

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This is what Rand Corp has to say on Ukraine

In some areas, reconstruction offers an opportunity to leap ahead. It could take advantage of modern building materials and energy-saving techniques. Most structures and infrastructure that Russian forces have destroyed were built at least four decades ago. In 2020, the average age of the housing stock was 46 years. New buildings comprised only 3 percent.

Reconstruction in the construction sector would benefit if there were easier access to building permits, better mortgage programs, and a more-efficient real estate market. “President ” Zelenskyy has pledged to engage the best architects and companies.

So who is behind this War of the Eastern Slavs Obviously the “leaders ” of Russia and Ukraine have played a giant role

In the blue corner we have the dancing kosher klown in heels,Volodymyr Zelenskyy This is the man driving thousands of Ukranians to their deaths Its not clear if average Ukranian was really dumb enough to “elect” the kosher klown or he was foisted or them by electoral manipulation

He also “happens ” to be the latest in a long line of Jewish patriots “

In the red corner we have a man who rose to be President of Russia because of two Jews and whose Presidency has been very kosher

Anatoly Chubais( Lithuanian Jewish mother  ) Chubais started the wide spread privatization of 1994 Chubais introduced Putin to Umashev who in turn suggested Putin to his father in law Yeltsin He was a member of the Advisory Council for JPMorgan Chase from September 2008 until 2013.From December 2020, he served as a special envoy of the Russian president for relations with international organisations.

Valentin Umashev son in law of Yeltsin played a key role in Putin becoming President   As Yeltsins Chief of Staff he gave Putin his first job in the Kremlin Umashevs Jewish son in law is oligarch Deripaska once Russia’s richest man Deripaska is married to Umashevs daughter  Polina from a previous marriage

Rotenberg brothers Arkady and Boris SGM Group Gas and Electricity pipelines ,both billionaires  help Russian “elites” (probably fellow Jews ) in maintaining offshore wealth

Moshe Kantor Acron group President of European Jewish Congress Chairman of World Jewish Congress

Yevgeny Prigozhin close aide of Putin ,head of Wagner Group Russian backed mercenary group faces criminal charges in US Father and stepfather Jewish Owns internet troll factory Internet Research Agency Wagner Group supposedly aiding Russia military Ukraine by supplying mercenaries

Irina Viner the Jewish wife of Alisher  Usmanov Uzbek born “Russian” oligarch  (supposedly Muslim) considered close to Putin introduced Putin to is girlfriend Alia Kabaeva

For more on Putins close Jewish associates read this


If there ever was a chance of a Slavic Union or at least a East Slavic Union its gone now

And the “Russian and Ukrainian” **nudge nudge wink wink** Oligarchs get to make their reconstruction billions

Published by JWO Watcher

Just a curious onlooker watching the New World Order go by ............ Next big thing will be Putin's "surprise replacement" and all the wonders of the "post Covid world"


  1. Apparently Igor Gekko aka Igor Berkut has been doing presentations about Zionism moving to the Ukraine for quite some time. He says the first official spiritual settlers arrived in 2018 and names them. Berkut, who created The Heavenly Jerusalem Project has openly discussed Zionisms plan to leave the Middle East and go to the Ukraine, owns FINANCE AND INVESTMENT OF TEXAS, INC. (FININTEX).


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