At a meeting among Jewish leaders twenty years ago, the billionaire and longtime president of the World Jewish Congress, Edgar Bronfman reportedly expressed a common fear among the Jewish elite that young Jews — becoming too comfortably assimilated — needed to be goaded into reconnecting with their Jewish identity by whatever means necessary

The point is, we have a crisis and I don’t care how we go about getting young people involved in their Jewishness,” Bronfman stated at a STAR [Synagogue Tranformation and Reform] meeting in Chicago….

….Going through my 20-year-old notes, I am struck at how often Jewish lay and religious leaders voiced a fear that an end to anti-Semitism would further erode the tenuous connection young people had to Judaism. Ironically, the rise in Jewish activism in response to anti-Semitism could be an opportunity to find a place for them.

In 2019, while our institutions are hashing out the same arguments, American Jews are faced with an altogether different existential crisis: the rise of American anti-Semitism. Now is the perfect time to truly reckon with what it means to be a Jew and who gets counted as a member of the tribe because people who never thought about their Judaism before are now constantly reminded of it by anti-Semites.


An American-Israeli man has been sentenced to 10 years in jail after being convicted of making thousands of hoax threats to Jewish centres in the US, UK and other countries.

Michael Ron David Kader, 20, from southern Israel, was found guilty in June of making more than 2,000 threats.

He threatened to bomb or attack Jewish schools, community centres, police stations, airports and airlines.

It led to fears among Jewish leaders of a resurgence in anti-Semitism.

Two prominent South Florida rabbis are speaking out after reports that bomb threats were sent by email to more than 50 synagogues in Florida on Tuesday.

Authorities say anti-Semitic incidents have increased dramatically since Hamas attacked Israel last October 7th.(not since Israels disproportionate reponse which resulted in the deaths of 37000 mostly non Hamas civilians most of whom were women and children)

The Anti-Defamation League said there were 463 anti-Semitic incidents in Florida in 2023.

CBS News Miami has learned that one of the synagogues receiving a threat was Temple Solel in Hollywood along with Temple Judea in Coral Gables. While no one was hurt and those synagogues are not commenting, the two rabbis we spoke with are alarmed.

Coral Gables police also searched Temple Judea Thursday morning after a bomb threat was also received.Police say nothing was found during a search of the facility.

Meanwhile, Miami-Dade Police said units were on scene Thursday morning at Temple Sinai of North Dade where a walk-through was completed, but nothing was found either.

Published by JWO Watcher

Just a curious onlooker watching the New World Order go by ............ Next big thing will be Putin's "surprise replacement" and all the wonders of the "post Covid world"

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