This post is divided into two parts

Part 1 The NWO and its Think Tanks and Foundations getting ready to use a genuine or fake public health threat to foist their agendas

Part 2 The possibility that Covid19 may be a bio engineered pandemic

Every new year worldwide we have news types of viruses because the viruses have to change themselves If the same viruses came next year our immune system would recognize them

We have new variants of the viruses every year There are 100  different types  of viruses that are changing every year


But there have been investigations over several years in  Glasgow There they tried to use  available tests ….They  didn’t examine all the 100 viruses just the ones they has tests for So they looks at 8-10 different viruses and corona viruses have always been a part of them These are the figures from Glasglow

Starting from 2005 to 2013 they checked which viruses occurred among respiratory disease The coloured parts are the viruses The green parts refer to  the Corona viruses that were always in the mix In acute respiratory disease nominally 7-15 percent of viruses are corona viruses

In Wuhan there is the biggest safety laboratory for viruses in China Wuhan is a big city with 11 mill inhabitants hence there were many with pneumonia hundreds of them and they did tests with a few patients about 50 They looked at  viruses they had and examine the RNA in the lab and found a new type

When a virologist finds something like this he puts it in a international data base and this is accessible to all scientists In Berlin they compared this new  type and tried to create a test to measure the new variant of corona virus

Then Dr Christian Drosten submitted a new protocol to the WHO and it got admitted really quickly Usually as a test it is considered a product of medicine it has to be validated it has to be tested  very carefully  

What does this test actually say what does it measure ???The mentioned test is an in house test developed in the Charite clinic but because there weren’t an validated tests and a great panic arose it was decided to just use this test everywhere And then Dr Christian Drosten provided the tests  SOURCE


On 19 Sep 2019 WHO World Bank & Gates Foundation Published a report titled A World at Risk : Annual report on GLOBAL PREPAREDNESS FOR HEALTH EMERGENCIES- Global Preparedness Monitoring Board The picture was of a corona virus with the Wuhan outbreak still months away

Center for Strategic and International Studies CSIS is ranked the number one think tank in the United States across all fields, the “Top Defense and National Security Think Tank” in the world, and the 4th best think tank in the world overal n the University of Pennsylvania‘s 2019 Global Go To Think Tanks Report,

We(csis )ended up with a handful of clear insights that we should heed in our current crisis, and to get ahead of the next one.

  1. One of our exercise’s most important insights is that early and preventative actions are critical.the passage of the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act, and the continuation of the Global Health Security Agenda. It’s not enough according to public health experts, but it is a start.

2 We also concluded that communication is vital—but a decline in trust makes it harder.Dramatic shifts in the world also raised new alarm bells for health security in our exercise. The first of these is the need for consistent messaging and trusted sources of information. A critical ingredient for addressing pandemics is public order and obedience to protocols, rationing, and other measures that might be needed.

3 International cooperation is also key. In our scenario, these international tensions inhibited information sharing, much as we initially saw from China with COVID-19. (Our scenario had an additional complication: Because it wasn’t clear who exactly was behind the disease outbreak, and whether it was accidental or intentional, the global environment was even more charged.)

4 Our exercise also underscored that the private sector will be vital to managing the outbreak. There’s a good reason the president gathered pharmaceutical executives on Monday. The U.S. federal government is rightly at the center of the response to this likely pandemic, but it is the private sector that holds the bulk of the technological innovation to producing treatments and cures. One bit of good news on this front: There is already in place a highly effective public-private partnership structure in the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, which is making important contributions in the current race for a vaccine. Note WRT a vaccine see The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”

The next pandemic is far likelier to emerge from a country or region that is poor, weakly governed and with weak public health infrastructure.

Ours was not the first pandemic scenario to raise serious questions about the strength of the global health system. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security has developed a particularly outstanding pandemic exercise, Clade X, a full video of which is available online.

source We Predicted a Coronavirus Pandemic. Here’s What Policymakers Could Have Seen Coming.politico 03/07/2020

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted the Clade X pandemic tabletop exercise on May 15, 2018, in Washington, DC.

The purpose of the exercise was to illustrate high-level strategic decisions and policies that the United States and the world will need to pursue in order to prevent a pandemic or diminish its consequences should prevention fail. They named the disease Clade X

Segment 1 of 4) Clade X is a day-long pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security on May 15, 2018, in Washington, DC. The exercise simulates a series of National Security Council-convened meetings of 10 US government leaders, played by individuals prominent in the fields of national security or epidemic response.Note WATCH from 7.15 minutes of segment 1 how the “world media “reacts to the “pandemic” It is almost as if this was a real news segment in 2020 (remember this is in 2018)

note WATCH from 7.15 minutes of segment 1 how the “world media “reacts to the “pandemic” It is almost as if this was a real news segment in 2020 (remember this is in 2018)

A leading medical institution created a simulation that shows how a new disease could kill 900 million people – and it reveals how unprepared we are

On May 15th, when the “Clade X” simulation was played out the people acting out the scenario were the sorts of individuals who’d be responding to this situation in real life. The players included former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, Indiana Representative Susan Brooks (R), former CDC Director Julie Gerberding, and others with extensive experience

We’ve been lucky in the past A virus capable of wiping out more than 10% of the world sound like it would need to be one of the most fatal, contagious diseases ever – as easy to catch as measles, which spreads to 90% of the non vaccinated people near an infected person, but as fatal as Ebola. This is not the case, according to Toner, who spent a year creating the simulation. The Clade Xvirus that Toner and colleagues used in the simulation was only moderately contagious and moderately lethal. It spread as easily and was about as deadly as SARS, which infected more than 8,000 between 2002 and 2003, killing about 10% of those infected.

Source A leading medical institution created a simulation that shows how a new disease could kill 900 million people – and it reveals how unprepared we are

Here is Bill Gates telling us in 2015 that we are not ready for a virus epidemic and predicting a possible epidemic which kills 33 million

It is clear the Think tanks and Foundations had prepared to make use of a pandemic to push their preset agendas

These agendas have nothing to do with disease control or improvement in health systems abilities to fight pandemics,its just completely tied to greater and greater NWO control …Period

Link to Part 2

Published by JWO Watcher

Just a curious onlooker watching the New World Order go by ............ Next big thing will be Putin's "surprise replacement" and all the wonders of the "post Covid world"


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